Museum Trails

The Museum released new Museum Trails for its audiences both virtually and onsite. The effort was made possible through the financial aid provided by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. Audiences would now be able to engage with sculpture and other decorative elements in the Museum in a more meaningful manner. Trails released include Number Trails (1 and 2) and the Sun Trail.

Download Trails:

The Number Trail The Number Trail 2.0 The Sun Trail

Painting with Poetry in Sahibdin's Rasikapriya

Ms. Molly Emma Aitken

Painting with Poetry in Sahibdin's Rasikapriya was an online talk conducted by Ms. Molly Emma Aitken, Associate Professor, The Graduate Center and The City College of New York, CUNY, and facilitated by Assistant Curator, Ms. Chelsea Santos. The session was organized by The City Palace Museum, Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation, Udaipur on 29th October 2021, as part of its extended series on 'Mewar'. Associate Curator, Dr Hansmukh Seth provided the concluding remarks for this session

Participants joined in from across the globe to look at how painting engages with poetry in Sahbidin's Rasikapriya to create a fresh experience of Keshavdas' masterpiece on poetry, love and the types and moods of women.

Painting with Poetry in Sahibdin's Rasikapriya Poster

Drawing on a collaboration with classical Hindi literature expert Allison Busch, Aitken looked at the illustrated manuscript as an integrated whole. She compared how Keshavdas' words and Sahibdin's paintings visualize settings, characters and situations and how they stimulate the feeling of eros for connoisseurs. She also compared Sahibdin's iteration of the text with contemporaneous illustrated Rasikapriyas, including the subimperial "Boston Rasikapriya," to realize how bold and innovative Sahbidin's approach was to making pictures of and for texts.

Portraits, Kings, Landscape: The Practice of Painting at Udaipur

The freshly curated painting gallery at The City Palace Museum, Udaipur was opened on 20th October 2021, commemorating the institution's Foundation Day. Titled Portraits, Kings, Landscape: The Practice of Painting at Udaipur, this exhibition, curated by Dr. Shailka Mishra, with Dr. Dipti Khera as Adviser, places paintings at the heart of Mewar's court life. It emphasizes on the role of paintings as going beyond their illustrative and documentary nature to reflect not only the power and authority of the Maharanas but also its strategic use in the self-fashioning of the Sisodia dynasty. Particular emphasis on the Udaipur artist is conveyed throughout the exhibition and is reflected in the commissioned videography,
Artist Mr. Raja Ram Sharma, at Mukut Mandir
facilitated by miniature and Pichhwai artist, Mr. Raja Ram Sharma, on the technique of painting, to bring forth that very creativity. Age old techniques and well kept secrets of how an artist manipulated the brush, and ingeniously, pieces of paper and cloth, to convey textures, are revealed in the production. An onsite, live artist-workshop has been recreated for visitors to observe and engage with.

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