Participation in the Museum Educators Conference at CSMVS, Mumbai

Ms. Chelsea Santos, Assistant Curator, represented The City Palace Museum, Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation, Udaipur at the Museum Educators Conference at CSMVS, Mumbai, conducted from 8th - 10th March 2023. Ms. Santos spoke about Sensory-Friendly Play at the Palace Museum that she has worked on in the recent past, with the team at the Museum, and her experience working with groups with access needs. Her presentation looked at the sensory play strategy that it adopted - one that references its region's artistic rendition of sensory stimulation and exploration of its spaces - to create opportunities for an Open, Please Touch and Multi-Sensory experience, with the vision of an enhanced, life-long learning, effective engagement and increased access for persons particularly with sensory processing and learning difficulties. The presentation included examples of such engagement, resources created, provisions made available and the several nuances that existed behind the scenes, and learning thereafter.

Ms. Chelsea Santos making her presentation

Annual Guide Orientation Lecture Series

Guide Orientation Programme is organized by MMCF with an objective to create awareness and educate the guides at The City Palace Museum, Udaipur.The Annual Guide Orientation programme was initiated on the 18th April 2023 on the World Heritage Day.On 18th April 2023 Mr.Vishnu Bhandari and Mr.Vidhan Bhandari presented 'Investor Awareness Program' highlighting investment for the future at the annual guide orientation lecture series organized by Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation, Udaipur

Mr. Bhupendra Singh Auwa felicitating Mr. Vishnu Bhandari and Mr. Vidhan Bhandari

On 28th April 2023 Dr. Mahesh Gupta briefed on "Prakatik Jeevan Shaili"(Naturopathy Lifestyle).Dr.Gupta threw light on the fact that living in a natural way is naturopathy. He presented detailed information on the rules of staying healthy and fit according to the Charak Samhita.He explained on the essence of Indian Ayurvedic texts Charak Samhita of 6000 years ago, Sushruta Samhita of 3000 years ago, Ashtangahridayam, etc., to stay healthy, regular exercise, physical internal and external cleanliness etc.Presented detailed information. At the end of the lecture, Mr. Bhupendra Singh Auwa, Administrative Officer of Maharana of Mewar Charitable Foundation, thanked Dr.Gupta and gifted books of Mewar on behalf of the Foundation.

Dr.Mahesh Gupta presenting his lecture

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