Scholarships and Grants
Today, one of the Foundation's biggest outlaying expenditure is charity being done through its direct donations to motives such as, scholarships supports, pension schemes, endowments and medical-aids, thus fulfilling directly many of the objectives. Few of them being Medical Assistance; Charitable Dispensary and Medical Aid; Supporting Saksham Project of Yuva Pahal, Pali, Rajasthan; Supporting the 'Widow Care Project' at Udaipur, Rajasthan.
International Museum Day
Alongside museums from all over the world, The City Palace Museum, Udaipur celebrated International Museum Day on Saturday, May 18th 2019. The exhibition was created in accordance with ICOM's theme for International Museum Day 2019: Museums as Cultural Hubs: The Future of Tradition, where an attempt was made to reach out to our diverse audience and make the history of Mewar relevant to them.
Training programme for Museum attendants

A two-day training programme was conducted on 20th and 22nd May 2019 by Ms Bhasha Shah and Ms Anuja Mukherjee, Art Conservators, The City Palace Museum, Udaipur. The sessions were conducted in the MMCF conference room.
Conservation, Restoration and Renovation around the Museum

The project team has initiated Restoration & Renovation work of Sabha Shiromani-ka-Darikhana and Repair and treatment work of Moti Chowk shade. These projects are undertaken by MMCF.