Maharana Mewar Historical Publications Trust Introduction

Maharana Mewar Historical Publications Trust
Opportunity for indian and foreign scholars of fine arts, social sciences, history, architecture to delve into the treasure of heritage and share it with the world
Provide modern infrastructure and facilities for researchers and scholars of indian studies
Onsite and regular training programs for technical staff and researchers
Modernisation and growth of the educational zone in the The City Palace
Conserve and preserve heritage
Dissemination of information
This charitable Trust was registered on 13th April, 1977, under the guidance of His late Highness Maharana Bhagwat Singhji Mewar.
The Trust oversees seven categories of literary and academic activities.
Own publications - These books have been commissioned by the Trust. Primarily in Rajasthani, they cover a diverse range of topics. These include books on history, yoga, treatises by famous historic personalities and Islamic poetry. Since its inception in 1980, the Trust under this division has published over 35 volumes.
Financial assistance offered for the publication of books - The Trust provides financial assistance for publishing of books in specific cases. The criteria are stringent. The books must be deemed worthy and should be seen to benefit the public at large. The subject of these books should also relate to local issues - Rajasthan should be the main focus. The Trust has thus far subsidised over 70 publications.
Financial assistance for research works - The Trust offers aid to scholars who have written on assorted topics related to Rajasthan and particularly Mewar. History, architecture, paintings and even research work on botany has been published under the Trusts' patronage. Since 1970, 12 research papers have been issued.
Financial aid for presentation of papers in national and international forums - Scholars from Udaipur in particular, and Rajasthan in general have been subsidised when attending conferences and seminars outside their cities. Medical conferences, geographical seminars, biochemist meetings, ethnological conferences are some examples in the vast scope of symposia already covered. Since 1983, 21 persons have been subsidised to attend seminars in countries such as Germany, UK, Hungary, Japan and within India.
Poster Publications - Posters depicting salient features of lifestyle, history and culture of Mewar are published by the Trust. Few examples are - the family tree of the rulers of Mewar, posters of Lord Ganesha, posters of legendary Maharana Pratap.
Publishing of Shri Mewar Vijay Panchang- Since 1988, the Shri Mewar Vijay Panchang has undergone 12 re-prints. An entire category is devoted to the upkeep of this treatise.
Annual Calendar- A calendar with a particular Mewar theme is published every year. The publication first commenced in 1987, and since then, the themes have documented the incumbents of the House of Mewar, in culturally motivating photographic splendour. Some prominent examples are - Crest of the House of Mewar, the four Maharanas in the 20th century, Eklingji and the five prominent religious places of Mewar, distinguished warriors who fought for the honour of Mewar, the genealogical tree of the Sun Dynasty, and, coins used in the former State of Mewar.